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Janet Thompson

Guest Speaker

Janet is a native of North Carolina.  She is the wife of Eddie Thompson, Pastoral Ministries Consultant at the Baptist State Convention.  Together, they have served as pastor family for three NC Baptist Churches and have led hundreds of Marriage and Family Conferences, Pastor and Wives Retreats, as well as Peacemaker training events.  During their time in pastoral ministry, Janet has served in the areas of worship, women's ministry, small group leader, and one-on-one mentor. She also works as an RN in the area of cardiology.  Janet is the mother of two adult children and the grandmother of four wonderful grandchildren.  She loves to cook and takes care of her family in every way.  She loves Hallmark movies, coffee, and sleeping- not always in that order.

Schedule of Events

Gather & Fellowship


Brunch Served


Guest Speaker

Breakout Groups

Prayer Time
